Sunday 18 May 2014

The Good Chocolate Milkshake

OMG! That is how I have to start this entry because I just tried this. I've been daydreaming about it for two weeks now and finally got some chocolate almond milk from the store to make it. You're welcome!

1 Banana
1 Tbsp of slivered almonds
1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
1 Cup of chocolate almond milk


Maybe use your frozen bananas to give this shake more of a chilled temp. 
There goes your muffin supplies!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Peanut Butter Banana Snack Wrap

 It's not one of those meals that you eat with your eyes first - but if you give this ugly duckling a go I guarantee it'll be a staple!

It's the quickest breakfast or packed lunch that'll keep you going. AND THERE"S PEANUT BUTTER IN IT so who cares what it looks like!

1 Banana
1 Small whole wheat tortilla
However much peanut butter you want!

I took this tasty treat hiking last week - so it travels well :)

Try throwing in some nuts, seeds, shredded coconut or chopped dates! I never have but maybe you're not as lazy/rushed as I am when this item comes into my meal planning.

Friday 2 May 2014

The Simple Smoothie

Refuel post work-out or or between meals and feel satisfied (with slivered almonds slipped in).

1/2 Banana
1/3 Cup frozen raspberries
3/4 Cup strawberries
1 Tsp honey
1 Tbsp slivered almonds
3 Dried dates
1/2 Cup milk (or almond milk)

Blend! The frozen raspberries chill the drink and the almonds add nice texture with the banana.

Garnish like a fancy restaurant bartender and impress yourself. Cheers to you!

Apple Craisin Coleslaw

So satisfying! It's got crunch, sweet and acid components.

1 Bag of chopped cabbage
1 Carrot julienned
1 Apple julienned
4 Stalks of celery thinly sliced
1 Cup of craisins
1/2 Cup sunflower seeds (roasted)
1/3 Pumpkin seeds

Really you can put how much of whatever you want. I was using half a bag of cabbage at a time for myself at home. This would be great for summer BBQ's or potlucks. Different then the typical heavy creamy slaw that is delicious but expected and not really that good for you.

This recipe can be tweaked and modified. As a side dish I would put the seeds in. If this is a light meal serve with a simple quinoa salad on top (diced orange pepper, cucumber, celery) or with your choice of protein.

Dressing: Dijon Balsamic
1 Lemon juiced
2/3 Cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 Cup olive oil
1 Tbsp dijon mustard
1 Tsp honey

I'm no expert but I hear that dressings should be two parts acid and one part olive oil - the rest is really at your discretion.